Tired of caring
Tired of being the one
Tired of always being sane
Never the one to complain
Tired of being the shoulder
Sometimes both being cried on
Tired of being lied to
Always asking for truth
But to truth, I’m always so blind to
Tired of you making me crazy
Shattering my thoughts
And making my mind hazy
Tired of feeling detached and lost
Conflicted and confused
Even more so, with something so fragile at cost
Tired of being afraid
Tired of feeling like I failed
Tired of being the rock
As your feelings I spare
Mine gets pushed to the back
Tired of hearing, what everyone wants
Tired of the imposters, the losers, the wanna be’s
If you want truth, speak it
If you want love, give it
If you want honesty, be it
If its just ass you want, say it
Tired of the wasted moments
Caught up in the head games
Tired of making everyone feel secure
So I can fix your problems
My tearful emotions always get left at the door
Tired of the emotional cracks
The scars from the stabs wounds left in my back
Tired of being so selfless
The good girl that seems in control
The ear everyone whispers in
But when my heart breaks
Everyone goes scattering
Tired of being in this maze
And not sure where to run
No sure what else to do
YET, I still ask
What can I !!
Why is it?
Whenever you need me, I’m always there
Whenever you need a shoulder, I carry a spare
Whenever you need to love, I smother your heart
Whenever you need a friend, I’m there till the end
Even when its crap, all my attention, …. To you I still give
Alive yet each day, feels like in an eternity of torment I live
Just hurts to shuffle
And rearrange my life
Scarping out the cobwebs
Trying to push through the strife
So many friendly faces
Some near, others here from the start
Just sad that no one really see
What’s eating at my heart.
When Dreams End
2 years ago
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