Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You Are

You are the reason I smile
The reason, I want to make you smile
Mesmerized, chasing butterflies around my heart
The light at the end of the tunnel
That subtle tingle down my spine
You are the reason
For what it is I seek
Simple joys of Life,
Comfort, Love, Laughter
And all that our life together has to offer
You have become that safe spot
that I didn’t think I needed

© Lisa Goycochea

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I stumbled upon your site but it pops up when I Google my own name with quotes around it--"Donal Mahoney"--and I sometimes read your stuff. I've been at this poetry business a long time, and I think you have talent. You may want to consider submitting to online publications. One such place open to new writers is The Camel Saloon. Google that name and you will find the website. Of course, you may wish to remain private. Take care.


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