Wednesday, January 2, 2013

To My Angel

My Angel,

I smile as I write these words,
because you have given me more than any one person deserves.
You are smart, intelligent, thoughtful, well spoken, kind, loving and ever so beautiful
Today, marks another year that has been nothing but joy for everyone that encounters you
I look at you and I can’t be anything but proud of you
My heart sinks at the thought of how fast the years drift by,
I see you smile, and play so carefree and for a brief moment, 
I wish I could keep you this age for a couple more years
But then I listen to you talk and I know, even though I’m loosing you to the years
You are growing into the most amazing child any mother could wish for
Infinity doesn’t begin to express the words my heart feels for you
So for now, stay sweet my love
And Enjoy your 8th Birthday

 ~Mom  1/2/13