Well on the way to the Port of Miami after 5 minutes of jumping on I- 95 my tire blew out while I was in the middle lane, luckily I didn't hit anyone while swerving across.. ..
But anyway standing out on 95 in this Florida weather was no joke, everyone zooming by without a care in the world.. attempting to change my tire!! And I say "attempting" very lightly since I didn't pay attention when I was shown how to—I was at loss as to what I was doing – didn't go too well....
Frustrated from my lack of knowledge and for the mare fact that we live in a society where no one stops to help if you seem to be in distressed on the roadside. I called roadside assistance they told me ETA was 45 minutes to an hour, which was way too long in my book of "hauling ass to Miami", since I refuse to miss my boat.
So in all attempts to get my tired fixed, I -- being my crazy ole self- removed my shirt and again, attempted to change my tire in my Bra alongside I-95, thought it was funny at the time, within 5 minutes of removing said shirt..
My night in shining roadside heaven, pulled up, took charge and in no time changed my tire and was on his way.. THANKS AGAIN FRANK!!!
Now I'm behind by 1 hour, decided to push my limits and drive to Miami from PSL on my doughnut at 70mph. Made it with 30 minutes to spare.
On board of course we had to do the whole Muster Emergency Drill, incase we go down like the titanic., which lasted around 30 minutes getting everyone pushed together in front of life boats adorned with life vest.
Found our cabin, got cleaned up and headed out to tour my new diggs on the ocean for the next couple days. Of course headed to the bar to start that tour with a pina colada in hand.
Went to a Magic Show, was OK!! Missed out on that 70s' party, which I was looking forward to but ended up at the Latin Quarter for drinks and dancing.
The girls turned in early, to excited to sleep, I figure I can sleep when i die, so I went roaming, trying to find some form of trouble to get into but other than that just enjoyed the rest of the night.
First stop was Coco Cay- Royal Caribbean's Private Island… the weather was great, food uummm Fantastic
Activity of choice was Parasailing, the view was spectacular in a non scary- pit of your stomach, height – only 400 ft, not to mention the boat was hauling ass, that was really fun, i think that activity was more for couples, because the view was so good, just makes you want to make-out with the peson gallantly sitting next to you in mid-air at 400ft...
Got back to the island and chilled out for a bit. The water was good but I didn't get in, just lounged with my ipod and my book, attempting to write but couldn't focus, too much going on at the moment.
…oh yea got pooped on by a seagull too, while attempting to nap.. too bad I didn't have a BB-Gun..
Captains' Gala Dinner was very elegant, way too fancy but still nice, I looked good, I felt good and everything just fell into place, the food was spectacular and the service- non other compares. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures- photo opportunities everywhere and of course I took full advantage.
The SHOWS were good, some funny, others not so much. Missed most of the Games, but heard they were wild.
The CASINO- not so good - being a sore looser and not much of a quitter, I lost way too much money way too soon and couldn't quit.
Other than that the ship was beauteous, lots to see and do, never a dull moment except for missing that special someone on my arm.
The Dancing Under the Stars Midnight Party was hilarious, from electric slide to the cupid shuffle had everyone moving and grooving in the wee hours of mid-morning. The food setup and demonstrations had me in awe, had me missing what I love to do most, which is cooking.
Tendered in the gorgeous Nassau Bahamas, while everyone slept from being hungover and tired from all that midnight partying I was eager and full of excitement, couldn't wait to get off the ship to go explore.
Finally got off – headed out on our tour; very interesting stuff but I cant remember any of it, all I kept thinking was, LETS HIT THE SHOPS… but Atlantis Paradise was my favorite stop of course.. the Hotel was amazing, the murals were magnificent, the photos I took does not do them justice. The aquarium was very nice, and the casino was ok.. A suite can easily go for $200, 000 per night.. wow…
we were very late getting back to the tour bus; so much to see so many wonderful stores so little time to power shop through them all..
Made it back in the nick of time though.. still had a few photo opps, because we weren't the only ones back late.
Last stop was Senior Frogs for lunch and drinks… WoW
It's the place to be when in the Bahamas, of course they had a dance off on the bar, I was summoned and pushed into getting up there- but then again the MC was holding free drinks for the winner..
Waited patiently for my turn and showed them how its done – JAMAICAN STYLE -…
Almost fell off the stage, shaking my tush but, OH well.. I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Headed back to the ship after some more crazy unnecessary shopping AND of course I found the only STARBUCKS in Providence. Yeah me!!!
The rest of the evening was quite, all that walking and power shopping made me giddy and tired, went to dinner with the girls with much goofing off as possible, disturbed most of the peace had the older/ more prude folks scoffing because we were deliriously scandalous, but whatever!! Last day on Vacay- just trying to enjoy our time.
Took a final walk admiring any and everything because the weather was so perfect, made it to the cabin and started packing…
NOPE!!! No shows or partying tonight.. just wanted to relax in my room, maybe take a few scandalous pics all by myself and just chill.. Kept thinking about my morning when I get off the ship..
---Getting my tire fixed to head back to PSL,
----the long drive by myself and of course getting to work.. uuuuhhh!
But got off the ship after 2 hours of wait time, couldn't believe parking was $60 just for the couple days but finally made it out of Miami.
Can't wait for my next trip, maybe I'll get to take that special someone with me next time
When Dreams End
2 years ago