More pain, more lies
this time I’m sure, we’ve said our goodbyes
You cried, you pleaded
you said it was only I that you needed..
No more fights or lonely nights
You said this time you’ll make it right
You said this was your wakeup call, or so I thought
now this time red-handed, your deception l caught
Thoughts of me hurting only a year ago
of those times only truth I wanted to know
Now I have proof, I’ve seen for myself
I’m staring at the cruel hand to me you’ve just dealt
My pain, my heartache, and those lonely nights I cried
all those times for truth I asked, but still to me you lied
Penitent, regretful, so SORRY you say
no more apart of those childish games
with you I’ll play
I’m hurt, broken in spirit and in frame
But to you alone I cast no blame
You are …what I have accepted
Your lies and deceit I have excused,
but never rejected
So today for strength I’ll pray
and hope that God hears me
and send a mended heart this way.
When Dreams End
2 years ago