I don’t know what to say
Therefore I don’t know what to do
So I decided to write a poem especially for you
This bond we have is so strong
because I know with you is where I belong
Our love will last forever no mater what we go through
Babe, I’ll get straight to the point and say ~ “Hunny I love you”
You know the saying, “True love is hard to find
Well probably the people looking are like totally blind
Babe, since the day you came along like an angel from the skies
You opened my eyes to a whole new world, you made me realize
That all the times I’ve been getting hurt, God was already making a plan
He knew exactly when this day would come, that you were to be my Husband
I thank God for you everyday, I couldn’t have asked for more
You are the love of my life; you are that and so much more
No matter what we go through, no matter where we fall we’re here
for each other to over look them all So many times I’ve tried
but words could never explain how much fear I had inside
through life’s unexpected pains
For the burdens and the trials that made it hard to care,
to the heartache and the smiles that showed me a love like ours was rare
So from here until forever, with all the problems big and small
In my heart we’ll stay together “Cuz, I’ll love you through it all
Te Amare Para Siempre
When Dreams End
2 years ago